2010–2011 Student Participants
Poster Presentations
Brett Corl
Analysis and Applications of the Attenuator Pad
Research Adviser: Ken Dudeck
Luke Keniston
Theoretical Computations of Organic Molecules
Research Adviser: Dr. Mamoun Bader
Alicia Giersdorf
Ultra High Weight Polyethylene in Total Hip Replacements
Research Advisor: Dr. Mamoun Bader
Yaqi Yang
Effects of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Asian Population
Research Adviser: Dr. Carl Frankel
Thomas Fausnaught
Genetic Mutations
Research Adviser: Dr. Carl Frankel
Rebecca Gabor and Andrea Quintero
Staphylococci: An Unexpected Discovery
Research Adviser: Tammy Brill
Chris Gonzalez and Tamara Decruz
Shigella; There's More To Sausage Than Just Meat
Research Adviser: Tammy Brill
Abby O'Hara
Otitis Externa: Canine
Research Adviser: Tammy Brill
Martin Dela Torre
The Evolution of S. mutans Through the Use of Antiseptics
Research Adviser: Dr. Carl Frankel
Genavie Veron
Values of Boulder-top Plant Communities in Nescopeck State Park
Research Adviser: Dr. Christopher Goguen
Kelly Pandolpho
The Chimera and its Influence on Modern Scientific Research
Research Adviser: Dr. Carl Frankel
Kyle Kocher and Ethan Okon
Thermal Values of Brush Piles
Research Adviser: Dr. Christopher Goguen
Amber Bulas
Effects of gall size and field size on parasitism rates experienced by goldenrod gallflies
Research Adviser: Dr. Christopher Goguen
Louis Albanese
Seasonal Variation in the Diet of Barn Owls in Northeastern New Mexico
Research Adviser: Dr. Christopher Goguen
Sukanya Parasher
The Conservation and Preservation Policies of the El Yunque Rainforest and Nescopeck State Park
Research Adviser: Dr. Carl Frankel
Jared Moroskie
Research needs for the conservation of wood turtles in northeastern Pennsylvania
Research Adviser: Dr. Christopher Goguen
Cristina Circu
The Correlation between Autism and Measles- Mumps-Rubella Vaccine
Research Adviser: Amie Yenser
Matthew Reis
Non-Invasive Therapies for Children with Autism
Research Adviser: Dr. Lisa Goguen
Danasia Hill
Beauty, visual art, painting, photography, beauty, sculpture
Research Adviser: Dr. Thomas Smialek
Kelly Strada and Kathryn Canouse
Linguistics in Puerto Rico
Research Adviser: Dr. Beatriz Glick
Theodore Swett and Sergio Falconi
Impact of Ethnicity on Puerto Rican Ties with the Continental United States and Spain and How They are Expressed in Popular Newspapers
Research Adviser: Dr. Beatriz Garca-Glick
Alba Espinosa Vasquez
Puerto Rico's political status
Research Adviser: Dr. Beatriz Glick
Sarah Hargrave
Psychological Benefits of Native Plants on Campus
Research Adviser: Dr. Peter Crabb
Zachary Schaldonat
Penn State Hazleton Edible Landscape
Research Adviser: Dr. Peter Crabb
Michele Zukowsky
Strategies to Increase Recycling on Campus
Research Adviser: Dr. Peter Crabb
Christina Houck
Hidden Dangers of Electronic Technologies
Research Adviser: Dr. Peter Crabb
Michael Serra and Tessy Wesolowski
Obesity in America
Research Adviser: Dr. Michael Polgar
Brittney Payton
The Clinical Laboratory Scientist Shortage: Health Care Consequences
Research Adviser: Dr. Michael Polgar
Delisia Washington
Student Engagement in the Classroom
Research Adviser: Myrene Magabo
Zolanlly Gutierrez
How the Controversial Issue of Health Affects Latinos in the United States
Research Adviser: Dr. Michael Polgar
Oral Presentations
Brett Corl
Creation, Components, and Benefits of Photovoltaic Systems
Research Adviser: Ken Dudeck
Andrew Steffen
Comparison of Loma Prieta Earthquake (World Series Earthquake) & the 2010 Haiti Earthquake and the Significance of Building Codes and Emergency Responders
Research Adviser: Dr. Daniel Vice
Robert Weldon
Designing an Earthquake Detector
Research Adviser: Dr. Xingguo Zhang
Luke Keniston
Object-Oriented Approach for Development of Logical Games on Grids
Research Adviser: Dr. Pavel Azalov
Harpreet Kaur and Karen Perez
The Pythagorean Theorem Euclid Geometry and Its Extention to Sperical Geometry
Research Adviser: Dr. Alfredo Jimenez
Sarah Murray, Jenessa Tomasscci, Aleaha Yencha, and Aneka Bruce
The Impact of Increased Activity Levels on Resting Heart Rate(RHR), Blood Pressure(B/P), Aerobic Capacity(VO2 Max), and Body Mass Index(BMI).
Research Adviser: Dr. Kathryn Maxwell
Robert Kistler and Samantha Dinger
Bacterial Resistance: A Growing Concern
Research Adviser: Tammy Brill
Alexandra Otero
Bats Have Feelings Too! Conservation of Pennsylvania Bats
Research Adviser: Dr. Christopher Goguen
Justin Huegel
Saipan: A Review of Oral Histories
Research Adviser: Dr. Justin Nordstrom
Cristina Circu
A Case Study of the Tourism Sector in Puerto Rico
Research Adviser: Dr. Sherry Robinson
Kaitlin Millbyer
Endangered Wildlife of the El Yunque Rain Forest
Research Adviser: Dr. Carl Frankel
Cristina Circu and Herbert Zepeda
The Benefits of International Diversification
Research Adviser: Dr. Liu Zugang
Zena-Marie Lewoc and Joseph Marino
Student Use of Mobile Devices for Coursework
Research Adviser: Dr. Sherry Robinson
2011–2012 Student Participants
Poster Presentations
Pohe Winans
Amplitude Modulated Broadcast Frequency Reciever
Research Adviser: Dr. Xingguo Zhang
Samantha Lawrence
Public Health Care in Belize
Research Adviser: Dr. Carl Frankel
Anthony Trezza, Danny O'Donnell and Dominic Josephs-Spaulding
Solar Thermal Systems: Comparing the Solar Power Capacity of Two Systems
Research Adviser: Dr. Wieslaw Grebski
Lorraine Layne
Penn State: A New Institution of Higher Learning
Research Adviser: Charles Dewald
William Wall
Thermal values of brush piles for wildlife in winter
Research Adviser: Dr. Christopher Gogouen
Maximilian Angle
The Strength of the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach compared to Humans
Research Adviser: Dr. Carl Frankel and Dr. Christopher Goguen
Jake Kazi
Are the companies best for employees also best for investors?
Research Adviser: Dr. Zugang Liu
Corrin Carroll
The Beauty of The Gaifuna Culture
Research Adviser: Eileen Morgan
Eric Piechota and Martin dela Torre
Synthesis and Crystallization of tricyanovinyl substituted compounds
Research Adviser: Dr. Mamoun Bader
Eric Piechota and Martin dela Torre
Diazo coupling of 8-hyrdroxyquinoline and 2,2'-bithiopehe with 4-nitroaniline, and formation of metal complexes
Research Adviser: Dr. Mamoun Bader
Jasmine Padilla
Cuba Through the Years
Research Adviser: Charles Dewald
Luke Keniston
Dual Motor and Temperature Dependent Simulations Using a PLC
Research Adviser: Kenneth Dudeck
Kevin Dolecki and Annmarie Laramee
Post-Fledging Survival and Habitat Use of Songbirds
Research Adviser: Dr. Chris Goguen
Han Bin Lee
A cross-cultural comparison of American and South Korean Engineering students
Research Adviser: Dr. Daniel Mansson
Thomas Fausnaught
Crystallization of Thyroxine in Glass Nanopores
Christian N. Bernstein-Cuevas
Analysis on Belizean Languages, their Usage, Distribution, and Affects on English Intonation
Research Adviser: Eileen Morgan
Oral Presentations
Matt Liptak and Sarah Singer
Preferred treatment for ambulation of individuals with an incomplete spinal cord injury resulting in paraplegia
Research Adviser: Amie Yenser
Alba Espinosa Vasquez
Communication Methods
Research Adviser: Dr. Sherry Robinson
Shane Brophy
Bridging Classroom Project to Real World Technology Applications: Reverse Engineering Personal Transportation
Research Adviser: Dr. Shaobiao Cai
Dennis W Deshler
Means-end Chain Theory For Mobile Devices
Research Adviser: Dr. Sherry Robinson
2012–2013 Student Participants
Poster Presentations
Jamie Pierre
Turning Points
Research Advisor: Dr. Daniel Mansson
Michael Judge
Transforming Semi-structured Texts into Webpages
Research Advisor: Dr. Pavel Azalov
Donna Nelson
Controlling the Borders Costa Rica Style
Research Advisor: Eileen Morgan
Cassandra Briggs
The GP-GC Relationship
Research Advisor: Dr. Daniel Mansson
Daphnie Vega
How Religion Plays a Role in the Grandchild-Grandparent Relationship
Research Advisor: Dr. Daniel Mansson
Jacob Fogarty and Jacob Spies
Diatomaceous Marl Deposit Research
Research Advisor: Dr. Vice Daniel
Maximilian Angle
The basic beginner colony structure and nurturing habits of Lasius Niger Ants
Ranee Perricone, Tariq Alnuaimi and Daniel Cho
The Aerodynamics of Plane Wings and Car Spoilers
Research Advisor: Dr. David Starling
Julia Carter, Shakira Laing and Heather Schlenker
Crystillation of N,N,N',N'-Tetraphenylbenzidine
Research Advisor: Dr. Mamoun Bader
George Bondarev
The Use of Telescopes for Observing the Universe
Research Advisor: Dr. David Miller
Thomas Klein and Joseph Zolnowski
Design and Construction of a Photon Measurement Device
Research Advisor: Dr. David Starling and Dr. Joseph Ranalli
Leonard Graham
Affectionate Communication and Shared Family Identity in the Grandparent-Grandchild Relationship
Research Advisor: Dr. Daniel Mansson
Julisa Walters
Volcanoes of Costa Rica
Research Advisor: Eileen Morgan
Brittany Sharpe
Effects of KCl Concentration on the activity of Bovine Alkaline Phosphatase
Research Advisor: Dr. Carl Frankel
Daphnie Vega
Examining the Grandparent-Grandchild Relationship: Sociological Approach
Research Advisor: Dr. Daniel Mansson
Corrin Carroll
What do Costa Ricans know about the endangered Mantled Howler Monkeys?
Research Advisor: Dr. Christopher Goguen
Daniel O'Donnell
Liquid Piston Pump
Research Advisor: Dr. Wieslaw Grebski
Jesse Berardo
Thermal Characteristics of the Subnivean Environment
Research Advisor: Dr. Christopher Goguen
Chelsie Ingram
Emotional Closeness in the Grandparent-Grandchild Relationship
Research Advisor: Dr. Daniel Mansson
Jamie Pierre
Animal Symbolism of the Maleku Tribe of Costa Rica
Research Advisor: Eileen Morgan
Oral Presentations
Determine the Damping Force for Critically Damped Harmonic Oscillator
Karl Knouse
Research Advisor: Dr. Xingguo Zhang
Kurt Schaarschmidt
Solar Survey in the Palm of Your Hand
Research Advisor: Dr. Joseph Ranalli
Daniel Figuereo and Emily Pinko
Inventory turnover and its effects on profitability
Research Advisor: Dr. Liu Zugang
Michaeleen Farley
Effects of Social Support on the Grandparent-Grandchild Relationship
Research Advisor: Dr. Daniel Mansson
Adebayo Adejare, David Irizarry, Corey Rutledge and Alexander Akabogu
Applications of Differential Equations to Radioactive Decay
Research Advisor: Dr. Wieslaw Grebski
Christopher Russo
The Application of Biological Structures and Functions to Robotic Engineering
Research Advisor: Prof. Amie Yenser
Shane Brophy and Anthony Trezza
Derivation and Application of Error Back-Propagation in Teaching Multi-Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Networks
Research Advisor: Dr. Frank Marko
Eric Muller and Alexandru Chirita
Facebook Likes and Returns on Investment
Research Advisor: Dr. Liu Zugang
Blake Burger and Edward Miller
Photonics Research: Designing and Implementing a Single Photon Detector
Research Advisors: Dr. David Starling and Dr. Joseph Ranalli
Rebecca Borger
Cancer Treatment through Nanomedicine
Research Advisor: Dr. Carl Frankel
2013–2014 Student Participants
Brett Fidishun, Tiffany Veet and Matthew Webber
Hybrid PV/T System
Research Adviser: Dr. Joseph Ranalli
Paul DiBenedetto, Patrick Henry, Michael Aiello and Brandon Hayte
Differential Equations of The Wind Turbine
Research Advisers: Dr. Frank Marko and Dr. Joseph Ranalli
Staci Henry
The Role of Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Ron on Atherosclerotic Plaque Composition
Research Advisers: Pamela Hankey, and Bernhard Luscher
James Gallo
Active Crossovers and today's applications
Research Adviser: Dr. Frank Novak
Richelle Reeder, Mark Landis and Adebayo Adejare
Design of a Floating Platform for Solar Panels
Research Adviser: Dr. Joesph Ranalli
Shea Myers, Chemistry
Metallurgical Study of the Samurai Sword
Tyler Gregory, Mark Bing-Wychock and Meagan Pandolfelli
Differential Equations in Nuclear Fusion
Research Advisers: Dr. Frantisek Marko and Dr. David Starling
Mark Eckert
Renewable Energy - Field to Fuel
Research Adviser: Maryam Ghorieshi
Belkys Cespede and Kiranjot Singh
Effect of Inhibition of Alkaline Phosphatase by L-Phenylalaine
Research Adviser: Dr. Carl Frankel
Scott Gaue
Compressive Sensing for Spatial and Spectral Flame Diagnostics
Research Adviser: Dr. David Starling
Richard Michael and Evan Pataki
Ratio of Charge to Mass for the Electron
Research Adviser: Dr. Xing-Guo Zhang
Richard Michael, David Chang, Randy Lauer and Ryan Kanick and Yevgeniy Revzin
Electromagnetic and Mechanical Oscillations
Research Adviser: Dr. Frank Marko
Richard Michael, Thomas Klein and Edward Miller
LED Based Active Quenching Single Photon Detection
Research Advisers: Dr. David Starling and Dr. Joseph Ranalli
Mari Magabo, Dorothy Carter and Andrew Ward
Motorized Bicycle - Energy Efficient Transportation Device
Research Adviser: Dr. Wieslaw Grebski
Matthew Caccese
Testing Hypothetical Calculations from Literature Configuration
Research Adviser: Dr. Joseph Ranalli
Jacob Fogarty
Reservoir Engineering: Using Differential equations to solve Pressure rates
Research Adviser: Dr. Frank Marko
Jacob Spies and Ryan Huttemann
Conjugated Polymers Doped with Photochromic Diarylethenes: Toward Optically, Mechanically, and Electrochemically Responsive Systems
Research Adviser: Dr. Dinesh Patel
Branden Bender
N3 Dye Derivative with Potential use in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
Research Adviser: Dr. Dinesh Patel
Brandon Cole, Theodore Grozio, Richard Hochreiter, Eric Jumper, Adam Kreuzer, Matthew Lee, Michael Rogan, Carl Sheridan, Michael Szmurlo, James Wilkinson
Hybrid Solar Electric Gasoline Low Cost Transportation Device
Research Adviser: Dr. Wieslaw Grebski
Mark Bing-Wychock
Newton vs. Goethe: Perceptions of Color and It's Interactions
Research Adviser: Dr. Carl Frankel
Adebayo Adejare
Design and Modeling of Fractal Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Flow Field
Research Adviser: Dr. Wieslaw Grebski
Carl Sheridan and Brandon Cole
Electrical Gas Tricycle
Dr. Wieslaw Grebski
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Christopher Russo
Texting while Driving and Delay Discounting in College Students
Research Adviser: Dr. Yusuke Hayashi
James Modico
Effects of Non-Contingent Positive and Negative Reinforcement on the Development of Sensory Superstitions in Humans
Research Adviser: Dr. Yusuke Hayashi
Brittney Williams
A Cross-Cultural Traits Analysis of Slovakian, Russian, and American College Students
Research Adviser: Dr. Frank Marko and Dr. Daniel Mansson
Ruohao Zhang
"Sell in May and Go Away"?
Research Adviser: Dr. Zugang Liu
Karl Knouse
Economic Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing
Research Adviser: Dr. Carl Frankel
Samuel Weldon and Thomas Bruno
Norse Themes in Skyrim
Abelina Barra
Analysis of Hayao Miyazaki Films
Research Adviser: Eileen Morgan
Krystin Baker
Women Business Owners
Research Adviser: Dr. Sherry Robinson
Bryant Obeng, Alberto Garcia and Alejandro Wille de la Puente
Facebook & Social Network Marketing
Research Adviser: Dr. Zugang Liu
Yongkyoo Kim
Evaluation Penn State Hazleton Student Community Service Project
Research Adviser: Dr. Michael Polgar
2014–2015 Student Participants
Hari Patel, George Ohashi and Jake Fodor
The Spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone
Research Adviser: Dr. Frank Marko
Julie Vitola, Adam Broxton and Steven Ibarra
Evaporation of Water From Lakes and Rivers
Research Advisers: Dr. Frank Marko and Dr. Dan Patel
Matthew McAloose
A Study in Gender Differences Using Language Learning Strategies
Research Adviser: Dr. Beatriz García Glick
Britani Esser
Black Woman With "Good Hair"
Research Adviser: Eileen Morgan
Ian Storer
Visible Spectroscopy using Compressive Sensing
Research Adviser: Dr. David Starling
Esteban Rivera
Delay Discounting, Executive Function, and Texting While Driving
Research Adviser: Dr. Yusuke Hayashi
Ines Nzameyo
Zombie Eugenics: A Dead Idea is Unburied by Modern Science
Research Adviser: Dr. Carl Frankel
Adzo Gasonu
Relationships Between West African Immigrants and their Relatives in the Native Country.
Research Adviser: Eileen Morgan
Jairo Estrella
British pub culture Vs U.S Bar Culture
Research Adviser: Dr. Pamela Black
Neodymium & Its Benefits on Society
Research Adviser: Dr. Daniel Vice
Lilibeth Fuentes and Laurel Jacketti Funk
An Analysis of the Hometown Farmer's Market (United States) Versus the Borough Market (United Kingdom)
Taylor Cannon
Delay discounting, texting while driving, and texting in the classroom in college students
Research Adviser: Dr. Yusuke Hayashi
Amber Carbohn
College in the United States Versus Nigeria
Research Adviser: Eileen Morgan
Nicholas Valentine, Cody Smith, Chris Skokowski and Michael Mischissin
Applications of Differential Equations in the Internal Combustion Engine
Research Advisers: Dr. Frank Marko and Dr. Joseph Ranalli
Maria Magabo and Dorothy Carter
3-D Printed Astrophotography Mount
Research Advisers: Dr. David Starling and Dr. Joseph Ranalli
Shea Myers and Steven Baksa
Diarylethene Containing Photochromic Polymers: Molecular Engineering of Photosensing Plastics
Khadija Syedda and William Columbo
Differential Equations in Combustion
Research Adviser: Dr. Joseph Ranalli
Hursh Patel
How Much Market Share Does the US have in the UK Market
Research Adviser: Dr. Marzieh Bolhassani
Tyler Fuehrer
Processing and Analyzing Astrophysical Data from an Android Smartphone
Research Adviser: Dr. David Starling
Emily Greenawalt
Treating Insomnia Using Stimulus Control Therapy and Melatonin: A Clinical Case Study
Research Adviser: Dr. Yusuke Hayashi
Peter Delis, Christopher Boris and Preston Soepranoto
Applications of Differential Equations in Robotic Exoskeleton Movement
Research Adviser: Dr. Frantisek Marko
Tremayne Tucker, Steven Simpson and Joshua Case
Pharmacokinetics: Connection to Differential Equations
Research Adviser: Dr. Frantisek Marko
Armani Edgar
The Study Of Rickets
Research Adviser: Amie Yenser
Zachary Falk, Nicholas Pale and Anthony Grega
Differential Equations Applied to RLC Circuits: Damping and Band Pass Filtering
Research Adviser: Dr. David Starling
Taylor Egner
Characteristics of Chinese Praying Mantis Egg-Laying Sites
Research Adviser: Dr. Christopher Goguen
Dante Toth
The Evolution of London's Metropolitan Police Force Seen through the Eyes of Dr. Watson
Research Adviser: Dr. Pamela Black
Michael Buff, Ryan Knutzon, Scott Minto and Matt Rossi
A Green Approach
Research Adviser: Dr. Joseph Ranalli
Terri Thomas
Women and Body Image
Research Adviser: Eileen Morgan