Nationally recognized inventor Frances Prado will lead the second in a series of Spanish-language webinars hosted by the Hazleton LaunchBox on Friday, Sept. 11.
HAZLETON, Pa. — First, she shared her secrets to patenting a product. Now, nationally recognized inventor Frances Prado will provide aspiring entrepreneurs with even more insight on Friday, Sept. 11, during the second in a series of Spanish-language webinars hosted by the Hazleton LaunchBox.
Prado, who is among only a small percentage of sole female inventors to ever be awarded a U.S. patent, will break down the process of taking a business online by exploring five factors: preparation, platform, content, presentation and e-commerce.
In leading the free webinar, Prado will be drawing from her own experiences in starting an online store for her product, “Hanging Secrets,” an organizer that hangs in the closet and protects bras and lingerie from getting damaged or worn out.
How Prado took “Hanging Secrets” from idea to implementation was the focus of another webinar she hosted in July.
The upcoming webinar, presented in Spanish only, runs from 7 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 11.
Register in advance at http://bit.ly/francespradowebinar. After registering, a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar will be provided.
About Hazleton LaunchBox:
Located at 13 W. Broad St. in Hazleton, the Hazleton LaunchBox is a no-cost startup accelerator and co-working space designed to provide early-stage startup companies with the support and resources needed to build a sustainable business and a viable plan for growth. It is open to community members and those affiliated with Penn State.
LaunchBox is a signature program of the Invent Penn State Initiative, a commonwealth-wide system to spur economic development, job creation, and student career success. It is a $30 million initiative to generate economic development, create jobs and drive student career success. The initiative, launched by Penn State President Eric Barron in 2015, redefines the University’s land-grant mission to include entrepreneurship and innovation programs, including the development of “innovation hubs” in Penn State Commonwealth Campus communities across the state.
Invent Penn State blends entrepreneurship-focused academic programs, business startup training and incubation, funding for commercialization, and University-community collaborations to facilitate the process of turning ideas into viable products and services.
The Hazleton LaunchBox is a collaboration with community partners including the Downtown Hazleton Alliance for Progress, CAN DO, CAN BE, the Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce, the Society of Hispanic Business Professionals and other groups through the Hazleton Innovation Collaborative (THInC).
Sponsors of the LaunchBox include PPL, Wells Fargo, Mid Penn Bank/Miner’s Bank, First National Bank, Luzerne Bank, FNCB Bank, Landmark Community Bank, Community Bank, N.A. and DHD Realty.