Overview of LLC
The Discover House Living and Learning Community (LLC) is housed in North Hall, a suite-style residence hall in which students live with a roommate and two suitemates with a shared bathroom and common space. The hall has ample study space including a group study lounge with a white board on the second floor. Students in this environment are able to easily collaborate with other students within their LLC and throughout their hall to create study groups and social opportunities. They are supported directly by a resident assistant on the floor who will support their community-building efforts within the hall.
The leadership team listed below will be responsible for creating an enriching experience for the members of the LLC. The Residence Life staff will focus on supporting the development of community. The Advising and Career Center staff will focus on creating experiences that engage students in the discovery of their own interests as it relates to future academic and career opportunities. Together, the leadership team will work to engage students in a variety of activities that are educational, social and service oriented.
Discover House Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes of this LLC help to determine the types of experience a student will have the opportunity to participate in as member of LLC. The learning outcomes for this LLC are:
- Community building
After living in the LLC, students will list two students in their LLC whom they can contact for study groups or academic questions. - Discovery
After living in the LLC, students will identify at least one potential major or career that they hope to explore more deeply in the future. - Civic engagement
After living in the LLC, students will describe their role in being civically engaged in the community. - Leadership
After serving on the LLC executive board, the students will explain how they have developed at least two skills in their tenure.
Discover House Goals 2017-2018
LLC goals determine the annual priorities and future direction for the LLC environment. The goals are reviewed and, if necessary, revised on an annual basis.
The goals for the LLC for this academic year are as follows:
- Discover House will reach active status as a student organization, creating a
- Constitution
- Executive Board
- Residence Life and the student organization will facilitate at least one social opportunity for the LLC each month
- A leadership team (advisers, RA, student leaders) will meet at least once per semester
- Advisers will facilitate at least two educationally-enriching programs each semester.
Active Status Requirements
Participation in the LLC environment gives students the opportunity to earn active status. Students who earn active status in both the fall and spring semesters will have the opportunity to attend a special Living and Learning Community event at the end of the semester.
To meet active status in the LLC, each semester you must:
- participate in two social opportunities
- participate in one educational opportunity
- participate in one civic engagement opportunity.
Student Leadership
In order to provide leadership experience and to acquire the assistance needed to help the LLC run smoothly, various positions will be created. The first positions for the inaugural year of the Discover House will be social chair and membership chair.
- Social Chair: The social chair will work with the residence assistant and Residence Life coordinator to provide monthly social opportunities for students.
- Membership Chair: The membership chair will work with the Residence Life coordinator to track member involvement and assist in housing contact process.