STEM Research Fair Judging Criteria

Research Track Judging Criteria

Technical Merits (0-5 pts)

  • Clearly formulates an effective research question.
  • Experiments and analyses are appropriate toward the goal of identifying answers to the research question.
  • Limitations of the approach are addressed.
  • Conclusions are drawn based on results and respond to the research question in a concrete way.

Methods Used (0-5 pts)    

  • Experimental techniques are sound.
  • Experiments are performed correctly, and are performed by the student.
  • Analysis of the data generated is performed correctly.
  • The data and results are clearly presented.

Communication Skills and Style (0-5 pts)

  • Uses appropriate scientific terminology for the relevant field
  • Practices good speaking techniques (poise, eye contact, clear speech).
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the topic.
  • 10 Minute time limit met (8 mins speaking, 2 mins questions).
  • If project involves a team, all members participate.

Organization and Visuals (0-5 pts)


  • Poster follows a logical and clear organization.
  • Poster uses an appropriate mix of visuals and text.
  • Poster is visually appealing.

Oral Presentation:

  • Slide presentation follows a logical and clear organization.
  • Slides contain an appropriate mix of visuals and text.
  • Slides are visually appealing.

Show and Tell:

  • Student demonstration of the project and its results follows a logical and clear organization.
  • Students make appropriate mixed use of their demonstration and supplementary materials throughout their presentation.
  • Aesthetic touches added to the demonstration, as well as any supplementary charts/pictures and media are visually appealing.


Design Track Judging Criteria

Technical Merits (0-5 pts)    

  • The student clearly formulates a design problem.
  • A systematic design process is followed and discussed.
  • Calculations and/or testing methods are appropriate and may be expected to produce meaningful data for interpretation of the design.
  • Conclusions discuss the success of the product in reference to the initial problem.

Methods Used (0-5 pts)   

  • Measurement, testing and analysis and calculation methods are sound.
  • Methods are correctly performed, and are performed by the student.
  • Analysis of calculations and/or measurements is correctly performed.
  • The data, calculations or results are clearly presented.

Communication Skills and Style (0-5 pts)

  • Uses appropriate scientific terminology for the relevant field
  • Practices good speaking techniques (poise, eye contact, clear speech).
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the topic.
  • 10 Minute time limit met (8 mins speaking, 2 mins questions).
  • If project involves a team, all members participate.

Organization and Visuals (0-5 pts)    


  • Poster follows a logical and clear organization.
  • Poster uses an appropriate mix of visuals and text.
  • Poster is visually appealing.

Oral Presentation:

  • Slide presentation follows a logical and clear organization
  • Slides contain an appropriate mix of visuals and text.
  • Slides are visually appealing.

Show and Tell:

  • Student demonstration of the project and its results follows a logical and clear organization.
  • Students make appropriate mixed use of their demonstration and supplementary materials throughout their presentation.
  • Aesthetic touches added to the demonstration, as well as any supplementary charts/pictures and media are visually appealing.