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Head shot of Nancy Coco

Nancy Coco

Nancy Coco, director of community outreach at Penn State Lehigh Valley, has retired after 23 years of service to the campus.

Penn State Hazleton blood drive

Penn State Hazleton blood drive January 2017

Planning the drive are, front row, from left: Rocco Formica, president, Greater Hazleton Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association; Jacqueline Dercole, American Red Cross representative; Wister Yuhas, blood drive chair; Maria Barna, board member, Greater Hazleton Chapter. At back are Andrea Johnson, THON family relations chair; and Nichole Rebarchick, THON chair.

Administrators exchange gifts during articulation agreement

Articulation Agreement with NCC gift exchange

From left to right: Tina Q. Richardson, chancellor at Penn State Lehigh Valley; Madlyn L. Hanes, vice president for Commonwealth Campuses and executive chancellor at Penn State; Mark H. Erickson, president of Northampton Community College; and Gary M. Lawler, chancellor at Penn State Hazleton, exchanged gifts of campus-branded baseball caps and mugs to celebrate the articulation agreement at an event on Wednesday, Jan. 18, at the Lehigh Valley campus.

Administrators gather to sign articulation agreement

Articulation Agreement with NCC

Madlyn L. Hanes, vice president for Commonwealth Campuses and executive chancellor at Penn State (second from left); Tina Q. Richardson, chancellor at Penn State Lehigh Valley (far left); Gary M. Lawler, chancellor at Penn State Hazleton (far right); and Mark H. Erickson, president of Northampton Community College (second from right), signed an articulation agreement while chief academic officers and other administrators looked on at an event held Wednesday, Jan. 18, at the Lehigh Valley campus.