Board members of the Greater Hazleton Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association recently presented a check for $1,500 for the group’s scholarship, which is used to support Penn State Hazleton students. The presentation was made to Dr. Gary Lawler, chancellor, at the chapter’s annual dinner and meeting held July 6. Participating in the presentation were, from left: Fred Gestl, vice president; Rocco Formica ’67, president; Chancellor Lawler; John Skwierz ’76, treasurer; and Patricia Holly ’15, secretary.
The Greater Hazleton Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association continued its contribution toward scholarships at Penn State Hazleton during its annual business meeting dinner held July 6 at Valley Country Club.
The chapter made a $1,500 contribution to their Penn State Alumni Association Chapter of Greater Hazleton Academic Award established by the chapter during the recent For the Future: The Campaign for Penn State Students. It is awarded to deserving students from the Greater Hazleton community who plan to attend Penn State Hazleton. This award is one of more than 100 endowments at the Hazleton campus that have been established to benefit students from Greater Hazleton.
This is the second endowment at the campus established by the chapter. The first endowment, the Penn State Alumni Association Chapter of Greater Hazleton Scholarship, has awarded more than $20,000 to 15 students at the campus since the scholarship was established.
Chapter President Rocco Formica ’67 said, “The Greater Hazleton Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association continues to support students at Penn State Hazleton. We are pleased to help students in their quest to earn a Penn State degree.”
The Hazleton Chapter supports a wide range of priorities and initiatives at the campus in support of campus students and also provides support to organizations and causes throughout the Greater Hazleton community.
Penn State Hazleton Chancellor Gary Lawler said, “The Hazleton Chapter’s membership of alumni and friends is an important partner of the campus and the community. We greatly appreciate the many ways that the group supports the campus and our students.”