Promotions in academic rank, effective July 1, 2013

Penn State announced its list of academic promotions for tenured and tenure-line faculty, effective July 1.

Credit: Penn State

Following is a list of academic promotions for tenured and tenure-line faculty, effective July 1.

TO PROFESSORDavid R. Adams, dermatology, College of MedicineHolly L. Angelique, community psychology, Penn State HarrisburgAndrew L. Belmonte, mathematics, Eberly College of ScienceSquire J. Booker, chemistry and biochemistry and molecular biology, Eberly College of ScienceMark A. Brennan, leadership and community development, College of Agricultural SciencesMichael E. Brown, management, Penn State Erie, The Behrend CollegeNathanial P. Brown, mathematics, Eberly College of ScienceKristin A. Buss, psychology, College of the Liberal ArtsDaniel R. Cahoy, business law, Smeal College of BusinessMichael A. Campbell, biology, Penn State Erie, The Behrend CollegeJohn G. Champagne, English, Penn State Erie, The Behrend CollegeGong Chen, biology, Eberly College of ScienceRoselyn Costantino, Spanish and women's studies, Penn State AltoonaPeter B. Crabb, psychology, Penn State HazletonCatherine N. Cutter, food science, College of Agricultural SciencesCharles M. Davis III, orthopedics and rehabilitation, College of MedicineMelik C. Demirel, engineering science and mechanics, College of EngineeringPaola E. Dussias, Spanish, linguistics and psychology, College of the Liberal ArtsLarry J. Gorenflo, landscape architecture, College of Arts and ArchitectureChristina M. Grozinger, entomology, College of Agricultural SciencesNichola D. Gutgold, communication arts and sciences, Penn State Lehigh ValleyMarianne H. Hillemeier, health policy and administration, and demography, College of Health and Human DevelopmentC. Clare Hinrichs, rural sociology, College of Agricultural SciencesSimon R. Hooper, education, College of EducationAlexander N. Hristov, dairy nutrition, College of Agricultural SciencesJun Tony Huang, engineering science and mechanics, College of EngineeringXuemei Huang, neurology, neurosurgery, pharmacology, radiology and kinesiology, College of MedicineJudith E. Hupcey, nursing, School of NursingPeter Idowu, electrical engineering, Penn State HarrisburgTrent R. Jaeger, computer science and engineering, College of EngineeringMark W. Johnson, mathematics, Penn State AltoonaKathleen M. Kelley, horticultural marketing and business management, College of Agricultural SciencesSeong H. Kim, chemical engineering, College of EngineeringAbdullah Konak, information sciences and technology, Penn State BerksSadan Kulturel-Konak, management information systems, Penn State BerksEric W. Lindsey, psychology, Berks CollegeFrantisek Marko, mathematics, Penn State HazletonPaul Markowski, meteorology, College of Earth and Mineral SciencesLinda H. Mason, education, College of EducationAnna L. Mazzucato, mathematics, Eberly College of ScienceEric J. McKee, music, College of Arts and ArchitectureGöktuğ Morçöl, public administration and Policy, Penn State HarrisburgAlexei Novikov, mathematics, Eberly College of ScienceGül E. Okudan Kremer, engineering design and industrial engineering, College of EngineeringBenjamin J. Owen, physics, Eberly College of ScienceMark E. Patzkowsky, geosciences, College of Earth and Mineral SciencesJohn D. Peles, biology, Penn State Greater Allegheny Alan R. Peslak, information sciences and technology, Penn State Worthington ScrantonSteven D. Putzel, English, Penn State Wilkes-Barre Guanghua Qiu, information science, Penn State Great ValleyJohn M. Regan, environmental engineering, College of EngineeringKimberly A. Schreck, psychology, Penn State HarrisburgLadislaus M. Semali, education, College of EducationVenkataraman N. Shankar, civil engineering, College of EngineeringDouglas J. Thomas, supply chain management, Smeal College of BusinessSoledad Traverso, Spanish, Penn State Erie, The Behrend CollegeSerdar H. Ural, obstetrics and gynecology, College of MedicineQian Wang, mechanical engineering, College of EngineeringPeter D. Wilf, geosciences, College of Earth and Mineral SciencesDarren M. Williams, physics and astronomy, Penn State Erie, The Behrend CollegeMary Elizabeth Williams, chemistry, Eberly College of ScienceDavid S. Witwer, history and American studies, Penn State HarrisburgAndrea L. Zaenglein, dermatology and pediatrics, College of MedicineJiyue Zhu, cellular and molecular physiology, College of MedicineTO LIBRARIANJohn Shank, Instructional Design Library, University Libraries, Penn State BerksTO SENIOR SCIENTISTTimothy F. Miller, Applied Research LaboratoryTO ASSOCIATE PROFESSORNeyda M. Abreu, mathematics and geosciences, University College, Penn State DuBois Jennifer M. Arnold, biology, Penn State Berks Alaa S. Awad, medicine and C&M physiology, College of MedicineSomjit Barat, marketing, Penn State Mont Alto Paul A. Bartell, avian biology, College of Agricultural SciencesIliana B. Baums, biology, Eberly College of ScienceArthur S. Berg, public health sciences, College of MedicineJeremy Blum, computer science, Penn State HarrisburgSeth A. Blumsack, energy policy and economics, College of Earth and Mineral SciencesKaterina Bodovski, education, College of EducationDenise S. Bortree, communications, College of CommunicationsGina M. Brelsford, psychology, Penn State HarrisburgQiang Bu, finance, Penn State HarrisburgYen-Chih Chen, environmental engineering, Penn State HarrisburgJames G. Cooper, architecture, College of Arts and ArchitectureTimothy K. Cooper, comparative medicine and pathology, College of MedicineMadhuri S. Desai, art history, College of Arts and ArchitectureTimothy J. Dolney, geography and GI science, Penn State AltoonaJoe R. Downing, communication arts and sciences, Penn State YorkPatrick J. Drohan, pedology, College of Agricultural SciencesSteriani Elavsky, kinesiology, College of Health and Human DevelopmentCharlotte D. Eubanks, comparative literature, Japanese and Asian studies, College of the Liberal ArtsXiaocong Fan, computer science and software engineering, Penn State Erie, The Behrend CollegeNicolás L. Fernández-Medina, Spanish, College of the Liberal ArtsBrooke Heidenreich Findley, French, Penn State AltoonaCarrie D. Freie, education, Penn State AltoonaMargaret Gordon Froehlich, English, Penn State HazletonJulie A. Gallagher, history, Penn State BrandywineLisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, human development and family studies, College of Health and Human DevelopmentRaymond F. Gibney Jr., Management, Penn State HarrisburgChristopher B. Goguen, biology, University College, Hazleton CampusJinger S. Gottschall, kinesiology, College of Health and Human DevelopmentNiraj J. Gusani, surgery, medicine and public health science, College of MedicineLori Hepner, integrative arts, Penn State Greater AlleghenyMichael A. Hickner, materials science and engineering, College of Earth and Mineral SciencesJui-Chi Huang, economics, Penn State BerksSamuel T. Hunter, psychology, College of the Liberal ArtsLasse Jensen, chemistry, Eberly College of ScienceJames M. Karlinsey, chemistry, Penn State BerksPeter C. LaFemina, geosciences, College of Earth and Mineral SciencesTodd C. LaJeunesse, biology, Eberly College of ScienceJoshua D. Lambert, food science, College of Agricultural SciencesShiyoung Lee, engineering, Penn State BerksTae-Hee Lee, chemistry, Eberly College of ScienceJude Liu, agricultural and biological engineering, College of Agricultural SciencesYong Lu, information sciences and technology, Penn State Hazleton Anita Mareno, mathematics, Penn State HarrisburgJohn E. Marsh, English, College of the Liberal ArtsAmy D. Marshall, psychology, College of the Liberal ArtsJonathan P. Mathews, energy and mineral engineering, College of Earth and Mineral SciencesMark C. Mescher, entomology, College of Agricultural SciencesCheryl L. Nicholas, communication, arts and science, Penn State BerksWilliam G. Noid, chemistry, Eberly College of ScienceBreffni M. Noone, hospitality management, College of Health and Human DevelopmentLeticia Oseguera, education, College of EducationByron R. Parizek, mathematics and geosciences, Penn State DuBoisMatthew E. Poehner, education, College of EducationDavid A. Puts, anthropology, College of the Liberal ArtsBing Ran, public administration, Penn State HarrisburgTimothy C. Reluga, mathematics and biology, Eberly College of ScienceMichelle J. Rodino-Colocino, communications, College of CommunicationsMelissa Rolls, biochemistry and molecular biology, Eberly College of ScienceJamal Rostami, mining engineering, College of Earth and Mineral SciencesNicholas J. Rowland, sociology, Penn State AltoonaRyan E. Russell, graphic design, College of Arts and ArchitectureSusan B. Russell, theater, College of Arts and ArchitectureLorraine C. Santy, biochemistry and molecular biology, Eberly College of ScienceCory R. Scherer, psychology, Penn State Schuylkill Michael G. Schmierbach, communications, College of CommunicationsShuang Shen, comparative literature and Asian studies, College of the Liberal ArtsIlya Shvartsman, mathematics, Penn State HarrisburgScott T. Smith, English and comparative literature, College of the Liberal ArtsErica A. Smithwick, geography, College of Earth and Mineral SciencesFenghua Song, finance, Smeal College of BusinessWilliam B. Staniar, equine science, College of Agricultural SciencesJeanine M. Staples, education, College of EducationMartha J. Strickland, education, Penn State HarrisburgKevin J.A. Thomas, sociology, demography, and African studies, College of the Liberal ArtsSofia M. Vidalis, civil engineering, Penn State HarrisburgKelley J. Wagers, English, Penn State Worthington ScrantonRonald A. Walker, mathematics, Penn State HarrisburgTaoye Zhang, mathematics, Penn State Worthington Scranton Zhibiao Zhao, statistics, Eberly College of ScienceTO ASSOCIATE LIBRARIANHeidi N. Abbey, archivist and humanities reference librarian, University Libraries, HarrisburgAnne Behler, Information Literacy Library and instruction coordinator, University LibrariesMatthew P. Ciszek, head librarian, University Libraries, Penn State Shenango Russell A. Hall, Reference Library, University Libraries, Penn State Erie, The Behrend CollegeJohn J. Meier, Science Library, University LibrariesEmily Rimland, Kalin Library for Learning Innovation, Information Literacy Library and learning technologies coordinator, University LibrariesKarla M. Schmit, Education and Behavioral Sciences Library, University LibrariesTO SENIOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATEStephen C. Conlon, Applied Research LaboratoryTodd A. Palmer, Applied Research LaboratoryJacob R. Werner, Animal Resource Program


TO SENIOR EXTENSION EDUCATORSuzanne Boarts, 4-H youth DevelopmentNancy F. Bosold, horticultureMark L. Chien, horticulture (viticulture)Donna L. Foulk, agriculture/equineDavid R. Jackson, forestryRichard A. Kralj, food safetySharon L. McDonald, food safetyTO EXTENSION EDUCATORKirsten K. Dubbs, 4-H youth DevelopmentDwane L. Miller, crops and soil scienceTO ASSOCIATE EXTENSION EDUCATORNatalie L. Aiello, 4-H youth developmentRuth Benner, horticultureScott J. Weikert, forestry

