First Lady Barbara Bush and Press Secretary Anna Perez: Lessons from an Effective Media Relations Partnership - February, 2020
Review of The Rhetoric of Rebel Women: Civil War Diaries and Confederate Persuasion, Peitho: The Journal of the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Composition and Rhetoric - January, 2016
“The Blending of the Traditional and Professional Approaches to Communication: Department Chairs Share Administrative Challenges, Opportunities, and Best Practices.”, Journal of Communication Administration - January, 2016
Collaborator: Rodney Troester, Co-Author
Review of The Politics of the President's Wife, Political Science Quarterly - 2012
Barbara Bush's Use of Millie during her First 100 Days as First Lady, White House Studies - 2008
First Ladies and the American Press: The Unfinished Partnership of the Media Age, American Journalism - July, 2006
Collaborator: Molly Wertheimer
Report to the First Lady 2005 (book); "Laura Bush--A Biography" (my chapter) - 2005
Collaborator: Molly M Wertheimer
Report to the First Lady 2005 (book); "The First Lady as an International Diplomat" (my chapter) - 2005
Report to the First Lady 2005 (book); "Laura Bush--A Biography" (my chapter) - 2005
Elizabth Dole: Speaking from the Heart - 2004
Collaborators: Molly M Wertheimer; Nichola D Gutgold
Leading Ladies of the White House - 2004
OL 4000 Online Course Authoring, The Pennsylvania State University
Online Teaching Certificate, The Pennsylvania State University
Papers and Presentations
April 26, 2018
WHAT HAPPENED? -- Unique Place in the Tradition of First Lady Autobiography
Pittsburgh, PA
Paper was about Hillary Clinton's autobiography and how it fits within the context of other first lady autobiographies. Clinton's purpose was told explain from her perspective how the election for the presidency in 2016 enfolded from her perspective.
November 17, 2017
Papers and Oral Presentations
Lady Bird Johnston: Eye Witness of J.F.K.'s Assassination and Contribution to His Legacy
National Communication Association
Dallas. Texas
Lady Bird Johnson began her Autobiography with an eye witness account of the assassination of JFK. Throughout the pages of her autobiography, she details the projects she worked--assigned to her by Jackie Kennedy--which helped build the Kennedy Legacy in the areas of White House restoration and the acquisition of art/historical artifacts.
November 17, 2017
Tour and Seminar of the George W. Bush Presidential Library
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
This Presidential Library our and Seminar was planned by members of my First Lady listserve. After the private tour, we met with Natalie Gonella-Platts, Deputy Director of the Women's Initiative at the GWB Institute. Her talk on International First Ladies was followed by a discussion about how to stimulate research in this area and how to make the results available to women in this position and their staffs.
November 16, 2017
Papers and Oral Presentations
A Bush League of Their Own
National Communication Association
Dallas, Texas
Barbara Bush, Laura Bush, and daughters Barbara and Jena Bush, all use their autobiographies to build and reinforce the Bush political legacy. This paper explores some of the key ways each woman contributes to that legacy both in deeds and words. The paper also touches on the autobiography of Karen Hughes, who played a significant role in the Bush (George W.) presidency.
March 31, 2017
Chaired panel and introduced the topic
Are We Free to Laugh? Political Comedy and the 2016 Presidential Election
Eastern Communication Association
Boston, MA
Introduced the topic by talking about recent comments made by Senator Al Franken during the Neil Gorsuch Supreme Court Nomination Hearings.
March 31, 2017
You Can't Make This Stuff Up: Absurdity in the 2016 Presidential Campaign
Eastern Communication Association
Boston, MA
Paper traced absurdity in the 2016 presidential campaign. Topics covered: #fatshaming, #cheatinghusbandshaming, Anthony Weiner's hard drive, Melanie Trump's cyber-bullying speech.
April 1, 2016
Tribute to Robert E. Denton
Eastern Communication Association
Baltimore, MD
This presentation was an acknowledgment of the way Robert E. Denton, as the editor of a book series, influenced the research and scholarship on the political rhetoric of American First Ladies.
March 31, 2016
Papers and Oral Presentations
Louisa Catherine Adams: First Lady Autobiographer
Eastern Communication Association
Baltimore, MD
This paper explores questions I would like to ask Mrs. Adams, if she and I could meet for a cup of tea.
March, 2016
First Ladies: Finding New Ways to Serve Their Families, Causes, and Country
National Communication Association Convention
I organized a panel proposal consisting of five papers for the National Communication Association Convention to be held in Philadelphia in November 2016.
April 24, 2015
Presented a critical response to three scholarly papers.
Deliberating the American First Lady: Maternal Frame, Rhetorical Distance, and Social Style
Eastern Communication Association
Philadelphia, PA
Each paper explores a different way in which the American First Lady role has been framed and negotiated, followed by a critical response.
November 22, 2014
Organized and moderated panel
National Communication Association Conference
This was a panel I organized and moderated. I solicited papers, chose among them, wrote the panel proposal (see attached) and moderated the discussion at the convention.
November 20, 2014
Papers and Oral Presentations
"A Surprisingly Substantive Mission: Rosalynn Carter’s 1977 Trip to Latin America"
National Communication Association Conference
This paper and presentation was part of a panel I organized: "The American First Lady as an International Diplomat"
April 27, 2013
They’re All Gonna Laugh at You: Best Practices for Bullying Prevention in Academia
Eastern Communication Association
Pittsburgh, PA
The panel explored best practices for bullying prevention in academia.
April 26, 2013
The Confluence of the Traditional and Professional Approaches to Communication: Profiling Programs that Combine the Best of Both
Eastern Communication Association
Pittsburgh, PA
The panel explored best practices for combining "communication studies" and "communications" into one effective and efficient program.
April 18, 2013
Keynotes/Plenary Addresses
Welcome to My World of Research
Regional Research Fair
Hazleton Campus
November 15, 2012
Panel chair, moderator, and discussant
Bullying in the Academy: Confronting Aggressive Communication in the Professional Community
National Communication Association, 98th Annual Convention
November 15, 2012
Smithsonian Seminar on First Ladies Exhabit
National Communication Association, 98th Annual Convention
Washington, DC
November, 2011
Panel organizer, chair, and presenter
They'll Huff and Puff and Blow Your House Down: How Bullies Destroy Faculty, Morale, and Departments
National Communication Association, 97th Annual Convention
New Orleans
November, 2011
Papers and Oral Presentations
Lifting Up Her Voice: The Rise of the Female Political Pundit
National Communication Association, 97th Annual Convention
New Orleans
April 8, 2011
Panel Discussion
From Ideas to Imprints: Turning Good Ideas into Publications
Arts and Humanities--Social Science and Education Disciplinary Meeting
University Park, PA
February 14, 2011
Do Words Engender Violence? An Introspective Debate on the Arizona Shooting
Penn State Worthington Scranton Faculty Debate
Dunmore, PA
November 17, 2010
Oral Presentations
Conflict, Metaphor, and Rhetorical Purpose
New Insights into Conflict Resolution
San Francisco, CA
November 17, 2010
Roundtable discussion
Building Bridges of Peace Through Movies
San Francisco, CA
November 17, 2010
Roundtable discussion
From Idea to Imprint: Getting Your Gender or Political Communication Book Published
San Francisco, CA
April, 2010
Oral Presentations
Emotional Intelligence and the Rhetoric of Aristotle
American Society for the History of Rhetoric Panel
Baltimore, MD
May 14, 2009
Oral Presentations
Status of Women Faculty at Penn State and Penn State Hershey
Designing a Culture that Promotes Satisfaction and Success
Hershey, PA
April 24, 2009
Oral Presentations
On the Contributions of Henry W. Johnstone, Jr., to the Philosophy of Communication
100 Years of ECA
Philadelphia, PA
April 24, 2009
Oral Presentations
On the Scholarship of Carroll C. Arnold
100 Years of ECA
Philadelphia, PA
April 9, 2009
Oral Presentations
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Mentoring Program
University Park, PA
October 18, 2008
Oral Presentations
"Media Construction in the 2008 Presidential Election--A Case Study of Peggy Noonan's Construction of Hillary Clinton"
Pennsylvania Communication Association Annual Conference
Penn State University--Lehigh Valley Campus
May 1, 2008
Political Difference and Change: Teaching Gender and Political Communications Courses--A Case Study of Developing Political Themes in a Women's Studies CourseEastern Communication Association
Pittsburgh, PA
November 08, 2006
Excellence in Leadership and ManagementThe Penn State Leadership Academy
University Park
October 29, 2006
Pennsylvania--American Council on Education--Office of Women in Higher EducationWomen Leaders for the 21st Century: Ideals
Hershey, PA
September 24, 2006
Community Day Presentation: "Confronting Conversation"2005
Pennsylvania's Governor's Conference for Women 2005November 15, 2005
Pennsylvania's Governor's Conference for Women 2005Philadelphia, PA
July 12, 2005
On Course I WorkshopJuly 09, 2005
On Course I WorkshopMarriottsville, Maryland
June 17, 2005
Writing Your Spiritual AutobiographyKirkridge Retreat and Study Center
June 09, 2005
"Women Mentoring Women"Women's Leadership Summer Colloquium
Wilkes College in Wilkes-Barre, PA
Critical Response to Four Presentations2004
The Rhetoric of LBJ and LadybirdNovember 13, 2004
"Diplomacy and the First Lady, with a Special Look at Laura Bush "National Communication Association
November 07, 2004
Women Leader's of the 21st Century: Pathways to the PresidencyPennsylvania American Council on Education (PACE)-- Network Forum
Hershey, PA
April 23, 2004
"Barbara Bush's Rhetorical Use of Millie during Her First 100 Days as First Lady"Eastern Communication Association