Joseph Ranalli

Joseph  Ranalli
Associate Professor of Engineering, Engineering
Discipline Coordinator for Engineering at the University College, Engineering
Kostos Building, 114
Penn State Hazleton
76 University Drive
Hazleton, PA 18202-8025

Dr. Joseph Ranalli began his career as a postdoctoral researcher at the National Energy Technology Lab studying combustion dynamics and thermoacoustic instabilities. Dr. Ranalli joined Penn State in 2012 and he shifted focus to develop research related to solar energy, to complement the campus's Alternative Energy and Power Generation Engineering program. He further expanded his solar energy expertise with a sabbatical at the German Aerospace Center in 2019.

- Renewable Energy
- Solar Irradiance Variability
- Solar Energy Forecasting
- Appropriate Technology
- Technology Tools for Engineering Pedagogy

SolarSpatialTools: A Python package for spatial solar energy analyses, Journal of Open Source Software - September 16, 2024
Collaborator: William Hobbs

Automating Methods for Validating PV Plant Equipment Labels - June, 2024
Collaborator: William Hobbs

PV Plant Equipment Labels and Layouts can be Validated by Analyzing Cloud Motion in Existing Plant Measurements, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics - May, 2024
Collaborator: William Hobbs

Adapting Capstone Design for the Solar District Cup Competition - June 26, 2023

What makes a solar engineer? - June 26, 2023
Collaborator: Mesude Bayrakci Boz

New Faculty Experiences in Integrating Retention Support Programming into Teaching - June 17, 2023
Collaborators: Mesude Bayrakci Boz; Katina Moten

Validation of Inverter Labelling with Plant Transfer Functions - June 16, 2023

Generalizability of Neural Network-based Identification of PV in Aerial Images - June 16, 2023
Collaborator: Matthias Zech

Penn State’s Multidisciplinary Energy Education - March, 2023
Collaborator: William Yourey

PYroMat: A Python package for thermodynamic properties, Journal of Open Source Software - November 6, 2022
Collaborators: Christopher Martin; Jacob Moore

Analyzing Effects of Solar Variability and System Location on LMP Prices - June 10, 2022
Collaborator: Mesude Bayrakci Boz

Correlations In Spatial Variability When Accounting For Cloud Advection - June 10, 2022

Developing an Interdisciplinary Pathway for Engineering Education Master’s Curriculum, Frontiers in Education 2021 - October 16, 2021
Collaborators: Kathy Jackson; Ivan Esparragoza; Steven Nozaki; Jacquelyn Huff; Jared Butler; Nancy Study

Cloud Advection Model of Irradiance Smoothing by Spatial Aggregation, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy - June, 2021
Collaborator: Esther Peerlings

Downscaling of Spatial Irradiance Based on Cloud Advection using Transfer Functions - June 25, 2021
Collaborator: Esther Peerlings

Configurations of renewable power generation in cities using open source approaches: With Philadelphia case study, Applied Energy - July 1, 2020
Collaborator: Alaa Alhamwi

Cloud Advection and Spatial Variability of Solar Irradiance - June 15, 2020
Collaborators: Esther Peerlings; Thomas Schmidt

Predicting PV areas in Aerial Images With Deep Learning - June 15, 2020
Collaborator: Matthias Zech

An Online Tool for Facilitating Thermodynamic Property Lookups - June 19, 2019
Collaborators: Christopher Martin; Jacob Moore

Effect of a part-hour shading methodology on the sensitivity of shading calculations to horizon uncertainty, Solar Energy - August, 2018
Collaborator: David Starling

Compressive sensing for spatial and spectral flame diagnostics, Scientific Reports - February 7, 2018
Collaborator: David Starling

Toward comprehensive solar energy mapping systems for urban electricity system planning and development , The Electricity Journal - January, 2018
Collaborators: Kirby Calvert; Mesude Bayrakci Boz; Jeffrey Brownson

A Model for Development of Employer Engagement at a Small Campus - June, 2017
Collaborator: Susan Chappell

Problem-based-learning module for teaching thermodynamic cycle analysis using PYroMat - June, 2017
Collaborators: Christopher Martin; Jacob Moore

Sensitivity of Solar Resource Estimates to Shading Uncertainty, Solar Energy - March 1, 2017
Collaborators: Robert Vitagliano; Mauro Notaro; David Starling

Teaching the foundations of thermodynamics with PYro - October 15, 2016
Collaborators: Christopher Martin; Jacob Moore

Targeted Flipped Classroom Technique Applied to a Challenging Topic - October 15, 2016
Collaborator: Jacob Moore

Assessing demand impact of solar capacity growth in Philadelphia - July 11, 2016
Collaborators: Mesude Bayrakci Boz; Kirby Calvert; Jeffrey Brownson

An Actively Quenched Single Photon Detector with a Light Emitting Diode , Modern Applied Science - January, 2016
Collaborators: David Starling; Blake Burger; Edward Miller; Joseph Zolnowski

Solar Survey: Development and Validation of a Smartphone-Based Solar Site Assessment Tool, Solar Energy - December, 2015

Characterization of a Nitrogen Diluted Hydrogen Diffusion Flame for Model Validation, Combustion Science and Technology - September, 2015
Collaborator: Peter Strakey

A Mastery Learning Approach to Engineering Homework Assignments - June 18, 2015
Collaborator: Jacob Moore

New Faculty Experiences with Mastery Grading - June 18, 2015
Collaborator: Jacob Moore

Bringing Solar Site Analysis to Smartphones - July 7, 2014
Collaborators: Matthew Caccese; Jesse Fox

Sensitivity of Shading Calculations to Horizon Measurement Accuracy - July 7, 2014
Collaborator: Jeffrey Brownson

Testing a Method for De-energizing Solar Panels for Firefighting - July 7, 2014
Collaborators: David Starling; Kenneth Dudeck; Ron Steber

Assessing the Impact of Video Game Based Design Projects in a First Year Engineering Design Course - October 26, 2013
Collaborator: Jackie Ritzko

“Sage-ly Solar: Online Math Tools to Teach Solar Energy” - April 19, 2013
Collaborator: Jeffrey Brownson

Field Tests of the Raman Gas Composition Sensor, Proceedings of the 2012 Future of Instrumentation International Workshop - November, 2012
Collaborators: Michael Buric; Ben Chorpening; Jessica Mullen; Steve Woodruff

Simple analysis of flame dynamics via flexible convected disturbance models, Journal of Propulsion and Power - October, 2012
Collaborators: Donald Ferguson; Christopher Martin

Measurement of Flame Frequency Response Functions Under Exhaust Gas Recirculation Conditions, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power - September, 2012
Collaborator: Donald Ferguson

Measurements of ensemble averaged flame dynamics using spatially resolved analysis, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science - July, 2011
Collaborators: Christopher Martin; Uri Vandsburger

Characterization of Instabilities in a Low-Swirl Injector with Exhaust Gas Recirculation - January, 2011
Collaborator: Donald Ferguson

Measurement of Flame Frequency Response Functions in a Low-Swirl Flame under Exhaust Gas Recirculation Conditions - January, 2011
Collaborator: Donald Ferguson

Spontaneous Raman Scattering Measurements and CFD Simulations of Major Species and Temperature in a Turbulent Dilute Hydrogen Diffusion Flame - January, 2011
Collaborator: Peter Strakey

Influence of exhaust gas recirculation on combustion instabilities in CH4 and H2/CH4 fuel mixtures - June, 2010
Collaborators: Donald Ferguson; Peter Strakey

Characteristic Linear Dynamics of Kinetically Controlled Burning. Part I: Traditional Single-Reactor Models, Combustion Theory and Modelling - 2009
Collaborators: Christopher Martin; Uri Vandsburger; William Baumann

Measurement of Flame Transfer Functions in Swirl-Stabilized, Lean-Premixed Combustion, Journal of Propulsion and Power - November, 2009
Collaborators: Christopher Martin; Paul Black; Uri Vandsburger; Robert West

Ph D, Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech

BS, Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University

April 25, 2024

Get Your Head in the Clouds: Leveraging spatiotemporal variability of solar energy
Penn State ETCE Spring Meeting
State College, PA

June 26, 2023

Oral Presentations
Adapting Capstone Design for the Solar District Cup Competition
ASEE Annual Conference 2023
Baltimore, MD

June 26, 2023

Oral Presentations
What makes a solar engineer?
ASEE Annual Conference 2023
Baltimore, MD

Collaborator: Mesude Bayrakci Boz

June 12, 2023

Generalizability of Neural Network-based Identification of PV in Aerial Images
50th IEEE PV Specialists Conference
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Collaborator: Matthias Zech

June 12, 2023

Validation of Inverter Labeling with Plant Transfer Functions
50th IEEE PV Specialists Conference
San Juan, Puerto Rico

April 13, 2023

What is Artificial Intelligence Anyway?
PSU Hazleton Colleague Cluster

March 23, 2023

Oral Presentations
Bringing Renewables into Focus through Engineering Education
TEC Talk: Energy Technologies & Transitions
Hazleton, PA

February 20, 2023

Oral Presentations
Community Collaborative Projects at PSU Hazleton
Engaged Scholarship Workshop

August 18, 2022

Faculty-to-Faculty: Three Approaches to Supporting Student Learning
PSU Hazleton Opening Days

Collaborators: Christopher Goguen; Gina Tarud

August 11, 2022

Oral Presentations
Energizing Engineers for the Renewable Future
tecBRIDGE 2022
Scranton, PA

June 10, 2022

Oral Presentations
Correlations In Spatial Variability When Accounting For Cloud Advection
49th IEEE PV Specialists Conference
Philadelphia, PA

March 3, 2022

Open Educational Resources (OER)
PSU Hazleton Colleague Cluster

Collaborators: Nicole Young; Jose Jimenez; Garrett Huck; Beatriz Glick; Michael Polgar

June 25, 2021

Oral Presentations
Downscaling of Spatial Irradiance Based on Cloud Advection using Transfer Functions
48th IEEE PV Specialists Conference

Collaborator: Esther Peerlings

March 5, 2021

Energy University: Energy Education
Energy University Forum

Collaborators: Susan Stewart; Derek Hall; Mark Sentesy; Hannah Wiseman; Mary Williams; Bruce Logan; Thomas Richard

September 18, 2020

Modeling Distributed Solar Energy Generation (and adventures in Germany)
Penn State Hazleton Brown Bag
Penn State Hazleton

Compared to traditional power plants, solar energy generation has a high degree of variability, due to the daily solar cycle, as well as clouds and other weather phenomena. Understanding the spatial nature of this variability and how it affects generation over a distributed PV plant is very important for utility planners and operators. In this talk, I will summarize some of my research related this topic, specifically including mathematical modeling of solar resource variability and some use of Deep Neural Networks to identify distributed PV systems from satellite photos. This work was started during my sabbatical in Oldenburg, Germany, so I will also share a few highlights from that experience.

June 15, 2020

Cloud Advection and Spatial Variability of Solar Irradiance
47th IEEE PV Specialists Conference

Collaborators: Esther Peerlings; Thomas Schmidt

June 15, 2020

Predicting PV areas in Aerial Images With Deep Learning
47th IEEE PV Specialists Conference

Collaborator: Matthias Zech

March 16, 2019

Open Educational Resources (OER) innovation: Moving beyond the basics
TLT Symposium 2019
State College, PA

Collaborators: Julie Lang; Christopher Martin; Jennifer Keagy; Linghao Zhong; Amit Sharma; Ronald Kelly; Julie Meyer;

October, 2017

Oral Presentations
Comparison of Accuracy in Several Site Survey Methods
ASES Solar 2017
Denver, CO

Collaborator: Robert Vitagliano

June 28, 2017

Oral Presentations
A Model for Development of Employer Engagement at a Small Campus
ASEE Annual Conference 2017
Columbus, OH

Collaborator: Susan Chappell, Author

June 28, 2017

Oral Presentations
Problem-based-learning module for teaching thermodynamic cycle analysis using PYroMat
ASEE Annual Conference 2017
Columbus, OH

Collaborators: Christopher Martin, Author; Jacob Moore, Author

October 15, 2016

Oral Presentations
Simulating errors in annual energy production from a shaded photovoltaic system
MAS16 Meeting of The American Physical Society
Newark, DE

Collaborators: David Starling; Robert Vitagliano; Mauro Notaro

October 15, 2016

Oral Presentations
Targeted Flipped Classroom Technique Applied to a Challenging Topic
2016 IEEE Frontiers In Education (FIE) Conference
Erie, PA

Collaborator: Jacob Moore, Author

October 15, 2016

Oral Presentations
Teaching the foundations of thermodynamics with PYro
2016 IEEE Frontiers In Education (FIE) Conference
Erie, PA

Collaborators: Christopher Martin, Author and Presenter; Jacob Moore, Author

July 11, 2016

Oral Presentations
Assessing demand impact of solar capacity growth in Philadelphia
Solar 2016
San Francisco, California

Collaborators: Mesude Bayrakci Boz, Author; Kirby Calvert, Author; Jeffrey Brownson, Author

Presentation related to a case study using Solar PVAnalyst 2.0 to model solar on rooftops in the City of Philadelphia.

January 9, 2016

Oral Presentations
3D Printing Opto-Mechanics
AAPT 2016 Winter Meeting
New Orleans, LA

Collaborators: David Starling, Author and Presenter; Mari Magabo, Author; Kenneth Dudeck, Author

October 25, 2015

Oral Presentations
Trends in urban solar energy mapping and geospatial analysis: a state-of-art case study in Philadelphia, PA
Urban and Regional Information Systems Association “GIS-Pro 2015”
Spokane, Washington

Collaborators: Kirby Calvert; Franklin Hardisty; Mesude Bayrakci; Carolyn Fish; Yale Williams; Michelle Matheson; Jeffrey Brownson

September 3, 2015

An Introduction to 3D Printing Processes 
Faculty Brown Bag

Presentation about 3D printing technology including an overview of the campus hardware.

July 30, 2015

Oral Presentations
Application Development Using the SAM Simulation Core
Solar 2015
University Park, PA

Collaborators: Franklin Hardisty; Kirby Calvert, Author; Jeffrey Brownson

Presentation related to development of PVAnalyst 2.0, a geospatial solar resource analysis tool using System Advisor Model for calculation support.

July 30, 2015

Mapping solar energy futures: Emerging trends in geospatial decision-support for stakeholders
Solar 2015
State College, PA

Collaborators: Kirby Calvert, Panel Member; David Renne, Panel Member; David Lingfors, Panel Member; Carolyn Fish, Panel Member; Jeffrey Brownson, Panel Member

Panel discussion dealing with mapping of solar potential and its role in spatial decision making strategies for solar development.

July 30, 2015

Solar Charging Station for Electric Vehicles
Solar 2015
University Park, PA

Collaborators: Angelo DeLuca, Author and Presenter; David Starling

Poster on an undergraduate project related to design of a solar charging station to power electric vehicles parked at the campus.

July 9, 2015

Oral Presentations
Lessons Learned from SAM Simulation Core Application Development
System Advisor Model Virtual Conference
Virtual (E-Conference)

Presentation related to the progress in development of PVAnalyst 2.0, using System Advisor Model as a calculation back end.

June 17, 2015

Oral Presentations
A Mastery Learning Approach to Engineering Homework Assignments
ASEE Annual Conference 2015
Seattle, WA

Collaborator: Jacob Moore, Author and Presenter

June 17, 2015

Oral Presentations
New Faculty Experiences with Mastery Grading
ASEE Annual Conference 2015
Seattle, WA

Collaborator: Jacob Moore, Author

June 9, 2015

Mapping Solar Energy in Philadelphia: Taking Stock and Looking Forward 
Mapping Solar Energy in Philadelphia: Taking Stock and Looking Forward 
Consortium for Building Energy Innovation

Collaborators: Kirby Calvert, Co-Presenter; Jeffrey Brownson, Co-Presenter; Franklin Hardisty, Co-Presenter; Carolyn Fish, Co-Presenter; Mesude Bayracki, Co-Presenter

Presentation of Solar PVAnalyst 2.0 development progress to potential stakeholders in the city of Philadelphia.

June 2, 2015

An Overview of Renewable Energy Technologies
Penn State Hazleton

Gave a presentation about renewable energy to Dr. Robinson's entrepreneurship program students.

January 31, 2015

Oral Presentations
ABET Accreditation Model for a Multi-Option General Engineering Program at Multiple Locations 
Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference
Villanova University

Collaborator: Kenneth Dudeck

October 4, 2014

Oral Presentations
Single photon detection with an actively quenched light emitting diode
2014 Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Section of the APS
University Park, PA

Collaborators: David Starling, Author and Presenter; Blake Burger, Author; Edward Miller, Author; Joseph Zolnowski, Author

July 7, 2014

Oral Presentations
Bringing Solar Site Analysis to Smartphones
Solar 2014
San Francisco, CA

Collaborators: Matthew Caccese, Author; Jesse Fox, Author

July 7, 2014

Oral Presentations
Sensitivity of Shading Calculations to Horizon Measurement Accuracy
Solar 2014
San Francisco, CA

Collaborator: Jeffrey Brownson, Author

July 7, 2014

Oral Presentations
Testing a Method for De-Energizing Solar Panels for Firefighting
Solar 2014
San Francisco, CA

Collaborators: David Starling, Author and Presenter; Kenneth Dudeck, Author; Ron Steber, Author

February 27, 2014

Everyday Examples in Science and Engineering
Faculty Brown Bag

Presentation regarding my use of everyday examples in the engineering classroom, and communication about resources for faculty seeking to use this approach in their own classes.

October 25, 2013

Research Overview for Joseph Ranalli
2013 IEEE Frontiers In Education (FIE) Conference
Oklahoma City, OK

This was a poster presentation resulting from my New Faculty Fellow award. Poster covered my research interests and background and was part of a session showcasing all New Faculty Fellows.

October 24, 2013

Oral Presentations
Assessing the Impact of Video Game Based Design Projects in a First Year Engineering Design Course
2013 IEEE Frontiers In Education (FIE) Conference
Oklahoma City, OK

Collaborator: Jackie Ritzko, Author

Paper covered assessment of student outcomes as a result of a video game based course project implemented in Introductionto Design.

April 19, 2013

Oral Presentations
Sage-ly Solar: Online Math Tools to Teach Solar Energy
2013 ASES National Solar Conference
Baltimore, MD

Collaborator: Jeffrey Brownson, Author

Solar energy education at the University level is sparse, but student interest is driving new classes to be developed and taught. Solar energy is a calculation-intense, multiparameter systems field that relies on numerical tools. In the scaling up solar energy education to meet large numbers of interested students in science, engineering, and economics, we choose to develop numerical tools in the Python language to supplement courses for the new generation of young professionals. We demonstrate the fundamentals of assessing radiative transfer from the Sun, spherical trigonometry, and energy economics using open source software. We find that the core tools in solar energy project development can be explored in the classroom or remotely online using the Sage (System for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation) math suite available as an online server. The Sage mathematical software has capabilities to solve multiparameter problems, interactive plotting, and allows students to develop formalized “notebooks” to demonstrate a flow of work towards a final set of solutions. Integrated with Python, it can also be extended with additional mathematical libraries as needed. The Sage server can be installed on a University server and notebooks can be shared among students and faculty. Additionally, working in Sage allows students to develop basic programming skills that will be essential to future solar software development. The use of an online tool allows students to work on home computer devices or in computer labs on campus, makes the problem solving independent of major operating systems, and removes the barrier of purchasing proprietary software.

March 1, 2013

Combustion Dynamics: Finding Music Flames Dance To
Penn State Hazleton

This lecture will introduce flame transfer functions, which are part of the fundamental scientific understanding that engineers need in order to design around the issue of thermoacoustic instabilities in practical gas turbine systems.

October, 2011

Oral Presentations
Use of exhaust gas recirculation as a control approach for thermoacoustic instabilities
Eastern States Section Meeting
Storrs, CT

Collaborator: Donald Ferguson, Author

Investigation into exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) as a method for reducing costs of post-combustion carbon capture in gas turbine systems reveals that EGR offers potential applications as a control strategy for thermoacoustic instabilities. Introduction of EGR allows semi-independent variation of the operating parameter of flame temperature and characteristic flame length scales, known to play a primary role in the phase of the thermoacoustic coupling mechanism. Measurements were made showing the ability of EGR to reduce the amplitude of thermoacoustic oscillations over a range of operating conditions in a laboratory scale, swirled dump combustor, without affecting the flame temperature. Theoretical analysis was also performed to investigate the limitations on the ability of this approach to influence dynamics.

March, 2011

Oral Presentations
An equivalent flexible framework for linearized flame sheet model dynamics
7th US National Combustion Meeting
Atlanta, GA

Collaborators: Donald Ferguson, Author; Christopher Martin, Author

Flame sheet modeling is a common approach in literature for determination of flame transfer functions, which have relevance to the prediction and modeling of thermoacoustic combustion instabilities. The dynamics of the flame sheet model for common flame geometries considered in literature can be shown to be equivalent to a simple model of convective disturbances interacting with a steady heat release region. This framework shows that the flame transfer functions predicted by linearized flame sheet models are infact the Fourier transform of the steady heat release rate profile for the flame sheet geometrytransformed into a Lagrangian convective time reference frame. The incidence of multiple perturbations on the flame can then be treated simply as the linear combination of the responses to individual perturbations, allowing determination of the model flame response to an arbitrary set of perturbations without solution or simulation of a differential equation. Extending this approach toarbitrary steady heat release rate profiles results in dynamic characteristics which differ in significant ways from those previously observed considering only the traditional flame sheet formulations, and may have relevance to comparisons with experimental results.

March, 2011

Oral Presentations
Utilization of exhaust gas recirculation for control of dynamic combustion instabilities
7th US National Combustion Meeting
Atlanta, GA

Collaborator: Donald Ferguson, Author and Presenter

Exhaust gas recirculation is considered a viable technology for increasing efficiencies and lower the cost of post-combustion carbon management systems for combined cycle gas fired turbine power generation plants. This strategy offers additional benefits related to combustion, in particular a reduction in NOx emissions and the potential to suppress dynamic combustion instabilities. The presence of dynamic combustion instabilities in Dry Low-NOx gas turbines utilizing lean-premixed combustion can limit the operable range thus impacting efficiency, emissions performance and the range of fuel variability. The addition of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) alters the spatial heat release distribution of the flame directly impacting the coupling mechanisms that drive self-sustained instabilities. This study utilizes OH chemiluminescence of a lean pre-mixed, swirl stabilized lab-scale turbulent flame to evaluate the relationship between level of EGR and the heat release per unit length. Tests conducted at fixed flame temperatures show a measurable difference in the spatial heat release distribution which subsequently altered the phase and gain of the dynamic response.

March, 2010

Oral Presentations
An Experimental and Computational Study of Emissions from a Swirl Stabilized Burner under EGR Conditions
Central States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute
Champaign, IL

Collaborators: Jose Escobar, Author and Presenter; Donald Ferguson, Author; Jaggu Nanduri, Author; Ismail Celik, Author

March, 2010

Oral Presentations
Convective wave motion during combustion instability in a low-swirl burner flame
Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute
Boulder, CO

Collaborator: Donald Ferguson, Author

Flame-acoustic interactions are known to lead to localized perturbations in the flame surface. These perturbations are observed to travel as a wave along the flame surface, resulting in a spatially distributed disturbance in the flame heat release rate. The specific characteristics of this interaction are of utmost importance to the physics of thermoacoustic instabilities. The speed of wave propagation is a useful quantity for application to flame dynamic modeling strategies, such as flame sheet models. Additionally, the time delay associated with the motion of the disturbance through the flame is crucial to predicting the frequencies at which instabilities may occur. Measurements of this wave motion were made in a low-swirl burner configuration (that was capable of exhibiting self-excited instabilities) through the use of flame radical chemiluminescence imaging.

October, 2009

Oral Presentations
A practical application of the bode criterion for prediction of thermoacoustic combustion instabilities
Eastern States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute
College Park, MD

Collaborators: Christopher Martin, Author; Uri Vandsburger, Author

October, 2009

Oral Presentations
Analytical Modeling of Spatial Phenomena Dictating the Frequency Response of Turbulent Premixed Flames
Eastern States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute
College Park, MD

Collaborators: Christopher Martin, Author and Presenter; Uri Vandsburger, Author

October, 2009

Oral Presentations
On use of OH* and CO2* chemiluminescence for heat release rate measurement in diluted flames
Eastern States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute
College Park, MD

Collaborators: Donald Ferguson, Author; Jose Escobar, Author

October, 2007

Oral Presentations
Predicting Dynamic Heat Release Rate in Turbulent Flames with Reduced-Order Models
Eastern States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute
Charlottesville, VA

Collaborators: Christopher Martin, Author and Presenter; Paul Black, Author; William Baumann, Author; Uri Vandsburger, Author; Robert West, Author