Jeffrey Chiampi

Jeffrey Chiampi
Program Coordinator, Computer Science
Associate Teaching Professor, Computer Science
Kostos Building, 117
Penn State Hazleton
76 University Drive
Hazleton PA 18202

First Assessment Results of Surveying Engineering Labs in Immersive and Interactive Virtual Reality, Journal of Surveying Engineering - February, 2022
Collaborators: Dimitrios Bolkas; Joseph Fioti, Co-Author; Array Gaffney, Co-Author

Web-based Game vs. Virtual Reality Field Surveying Labs Towards Enhancing Experiential Education, ASEE Annual Conference - July, 2021
Collaborators: Dimitrios Bolkas; Mojgan Jadidi; Muhammad Usman

Surveying Reality (SurReal): Software to Simulate Surveying in Virtual Reality, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information - May 4, 2021
Collaborators: Dimitrios Bolkas; Joseph Fioti, Co-Author; Donovan Gaffney, Co-Author

Realistic Virtual Reality Environments from Point Clouds, GIM International - December 10, 2020
Collaborator: Dimitrios Bolkas

Creating immersive and interactive surveying laboratories in virtual reality: A differential leveling example - September 15, 2020
Collaborators: Dimitrios Bolkas; John Chapman; Vincent Pavill

Development and Integration of Immersive 360-Videos in Surveying Engineering Education - August, 2020
Collaborators: Dimitrios Bolkas; Jason Kepner; Luke Kepner; David Neilson

Creating a virtual reality environment with a fusion of sUAS and TLS point-clouds, International Journal of Image and Data Fusion - January, 2020
Collaborators: Dimitrios Bolkas, Author; John Chapman; Vincent Pavill

Enhancing experience and learning of first-year surveying engineering students with immersive virtual reality, 2019 FYEE Conference - 2019
Collaborator: Dimitrios Bolkas

MSE, Master of Software Engineering , The Pennsylvania State University

MBA, Master of Business Administration , The Pennsylvania State University

BS, Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University

AS, Information Sciences and Technology: Software Option, The Pennsylvania State University

November, 2022

Papers and Oral Presentations
Assessment of Collaborative Virtual Reality Surveying Labs
FIG Working Week 2023
Orlando, Florida

Collaborators: Bolkas Dimitrios, Co-Author; Matthew O’Banion , Co-Author; Jordan Laughlin , Co-Author

November 2, 2022

Using Honorlock for student assessments

After using Honolock in several of my classes, and gathering student feedback, I offered a lunchtime presentation to share the results with my fellow faculty members. I worked with the campus instructional designer to create a presentation that was informative and focused on the judicious use of the tool.

November, 2021 - April, 2022

Papers and Oral Presentations
Utilizing Virtual Reality to Support the ASCE UESI Student Surveying Competition
ASEE Northeast 2022 Conference
Boston, MA, USA

Collaborators: Dimitrios Bolkas; Joseph Fioti; Carol Morman; Allan Ng; Jame Decker; Christopher Chiu

Surveying engineering is a major with strong professional and historical ties to civil engineering. However, compared to civil engineering, surveying has a lower public profile, and many first-year engineering students are not aware of surveying as an option, what the major entails, and how surveying contributes to engineering projects. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI) Surveying Competition organizes an annual surveying competition for Civil Engineering programs. The educational and professional goals include a recognition of the importance of basic surveying principles to all civil engineering projects. The competition is an innovative and interesting way to engage civil engineering students with surveying engineering and increase the awareness of surveying in civil engineering institutions. Due to the travel challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 UESI Surveying Competition was held virtually. The UESI Surveying and Geomatics Division in collaboration with University Name Hidden decided to utilize immersive and interactive virtual reality technology to simulate the field component in the student competition. Thanks to technological advancements of Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) in the past 10 years, immersive virtual reality technology has found widespread application in education. The SurReal (Surveying Reality) software that was used for the competition has a realistic virtual environment based on the University Name Hidden campus and a realistic differential leveling instrument. The software simulates all major components of the differential leveling process. This is the first national surveying competition with an integrated virtual reality component. This paper will discuss the virtual reality component, the approach followed to adapt the existing SurReal software from the Oculus Rift to the Oculus Quest 2 platform, the challenges in providing the necessary hardware to the participating universities from different parts of the US, and the feedback received by the students participating in the competition.  

January, 2021 - May, 2021

Collaborative Course Design: Course Goal Convergence with a Disciplinary Twist
Connected Learning Summit

Collaborators: Jennifer Breeze; Donna Bayer

January 12, 2021

Connecting With Colleagues Again
Commonwealth Connections Faculty Day

Collaborators: Jennifer Breese; Kevin Maxwell

November 5, 2020

What is a Gamer: An exploration of culture, identity, and belonging?

Collaborators: Jennifer Breese; Tatiana Zwerling

November 4, 2020

What is a Gamer: An exploration of culture, identity, and belonging?

Collaborators: Jennifer Breese; Donna Bayer; David Giles

June 24, 2020

Oral Presentations
Engaging engineering students with immersive and interactive virtual reality technology
TLT Summer Series

Collaborator: Dimitrios Bolkas

February, 2020

Oral Presentations
Training Surveyors with Virtual Reality Technology
Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyors Conference
Hershey, Pennsylvania

Collaborator: Dimitrios Bolkas

August, 2019

Oral Presentations
Challenges in creating realistic and immersive virtual reality environments and laboratories for engineering education
SAGES 2019
Thibodaux, Louisiana

Collaborator: Dimitrios Bolkas

August, 2019

Oral Presentations
Enhancing Surveying Engineering Education with Immersive Virtual Reality
SAGES 2019
Thibodaux, Louisiana

Collaborator: Dimitrios Bolkas

July, 2019

Enhancing experience and learning of first-year surveying engineering students with immersive virtual reality
First Year Engineering Experience
University Park, PA

Collaborator: Dimitrios Bolkas

July, 2019

Posters and Oral Presentations
Enhancing experience and learning of first-year surveying engineering students with immersive virtual reality
First Year Engineering Experience
University Park, PA

Collaborator: Dimitrios Bolkas

March, 2019

Oral Presentations
Virtual Reality and 3D Modeling
Digital Media Festival 2019


We were invited to the Digital Media Festival to present our work with Virtual Reality research.

February, 2019

Oral Presentations
Training Surveyors with Virtual Reality Technology
Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyors Conference
Hershey, Pennsylvania

Collaborator: Dimitrios Bolkas