Penn State Hazleton Council

The Penn State Hazleton Council is a group of distinguished community leaders and donors who serve as an advisory group to the campus and help advance the mission of Penn State Hazleton.

Advisory Board Members

Joseph P. Clifford, President
Harsh Gandhi, M.D., First Vice President
Zena-Marie Lewoc, Second Vice President
Betty M. Corcoran, Secretary
Anthony N. Cusatis, Treasurer
John J. Beltrami, Immediate Past President

Donna M. Barna
Matthew B. Bayzick
Robert J. Caccese
Denise M. Corcoran
Neal DeAngelo III
Fermin Diaz
Joseph A. Donato, D.M.D.
Rocco Formica
Brian M. Harman
Terry H. Jones
Megan Kennedy, Esq.
Mary Celeste Kosko
Gary F. Lamont
Linda Z. Lease, Ph.D.
Joseph F. Lettiere
Donald M. Pachence
Keith Rohrbach, Ph.D.
Sharon E. Rohrbach, D.O.
Maria Rosario
Lisa R. Schugardt
David Seamon
Rick Shema
Christopher B. Slusser, Esq.


Senator David G. Argall
Representative Jamie Walsh
Brittany Major
Keith Maurer
Dixie J. McCoy
Brian T. Uplinger
Tiffany P. Veet
Representative Dane Watro
Elizabeth J. Wright, Ph.D.

Directors Emeriti

Gordon L. Bigelow, J.D.
William J. Flood
Joseph G. Rudawski