Welcome to the Instructional Design services website for Penn State Hazleton. An instructional designer can help you:
- Integrate instructional technology in the classroom
- Utilize tools available in Canvas Learning Management System, Zoom, and Kaltura
- Apply effective teaching strategies for face-to-face, hybrid, and online
- Employ best practices to develop an online course
- Develop learning objectives aligned with course assessment plan
- Review and revise an existing course
- Create assessment strategies to effectively measure objectives and student learning
- Incorporate active learning strategies to increase student engagement
- Ensure online course materials are accessible to all students
Support is available in a variety of formats from one-on-one consultations, workshops, webinars, course reviews, and email announcements. Please email or stop in with any questions or to schedule a meeting.
Elizabeth Huck
Instructional Designer
[email protected]
Butler 203-L
Instructional Tools and Resources:
Canvas: Penn State’s Learning Management System (LMS)
- Penn State’s Canvas Learning Center: Access the Learning Path, find answers, support for new faculty, advanced modules
- How to get Help: Canvas support page with information on how to get help
Zoom: Penn State’s Web Conferencing Software
- Zoom Quick Start Guide:This guide walks you through the steps of hosting a meeting or webinar
- Zoom Learning Path: Schedule, start, participate, and record a meeting
- Zoom Questioning Strategies to Increase Engagement: This handout provides you with questioning strategies to increase participant engagement in your meetings and webinars, and ways to execute these strategies using the tools in Zoom
- Zoom Tutorials: Zoom Video tutorials
Kaltura: Penn State’s media management platform for storing, publishing, and streaming videos, video collections, and other media
- Kaltura Learning Path: Get started, create and manage media, publish media in Canvas, assess student work, and collaborate in Kaltura
Turnitin: A web-based writing assessment toolkit which includes originality reports to detect plagiarism
- Canvas Integration: How to access Turnitin in Canvas
Course Development:
- Planning Documents and Templates: Helpful documents for planning your course
- Hours of Instructional Activity Equivalency (HIA): The "Hours of Instructional Activity” resource provides faculty and instructional designers with general estimates of the amount of student learning time required in online and blended courses to help them answer the question of “is there too much/not enough” in the course
- Penn State Quality Assurance Standards: These twelve standards can be used as guidelines as faculty members evaluate and improve their courses
- Ed Tech Advisor: Enables you to match pedagogical needs to ed tech resources available at Penn State
Shared Programs:
- Shared Programs Website: Overview of Shared Programs at Penn State, types of faculty support offered, and strategic initiatives
- Shared Academic Programs: Residential Shared Academic Programs delivered through the consortia organized by program and campus
Penn State Teaching Resources:
- Web Learning @ Penn State: Resources for online course design, development, and delivery
- Copyright and Creative Commons in Education and Training: This website by Penn Stater Stevie Rocco provides valuable information and resources about finding and using materials from the Internet
- Accessibility at Penn State:How to ensure Web pages and online documents can be made usable for users with different disabilities
- Media Commons: Provides support for designing and implementing digital media projects in your classes
- Penn State Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT): Collaborates with faculty to enhance teaching and learning through cutting-edge technology
- The Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence: Provides resources, workshops, seminars, and grants to advance excellence in teaching
- IT Learning and Development: Technology training options in a variety of formats